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Turkish IAMED videoDancer - Teacher - Writer - Historian



Artemis has been dancing, teaching and researching dance history in the United States and abroad for 40 years. Artemis is of Greek and Turkish descent. She fuses her love of these cultures with strong academic knowledge and excellent dance technique. She brings her spirited and articulate technique to workshops which include information on the history and cultures that generate the dances she teaches. She believes that we can all use art to build bridges across cultures.

Artemis has contributed to many publications. Extensive travel to 33 countries and intensive research into the idioms of the East, women's issues, psychology, ancient history, oriental dance, Romany (Gypsy) dance and dance ethnology have yielded many manuscripts and articles.

She continues to produce new articles every year. Artemis has an M.A. in psychology, an M.S.W. in social work (with specialized studies in cross cultural awareness) and has done postgraduate work in dance movement therapy. She was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Her research is used by Egyptian universities, the Middle East Institute in Washington, D.C. and the Library for the Performing Arts in New York. She has lectured, taught and/or performed for Cornell University and Princeton University, National Public Radio (NPR), Voice of America and in Spain, England, France, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Canada, Japan, Greece, Turkey, Australia and in 33 states within the United States. She uses her writing and her dance and history lectures to fight the racism which exists against the Roma. Her humanitarian interests extended to helping the survivors of hurricane Katrina and she received the key to the city of Lafayette for these efforts. She also continues in her efforts to have Middle Eastern dance receive the recognition and respect that every other legitimate dance form enjoys.

Artemis has done field research in ancient dance, Middle Eastern dance and Romany (Gypsy) dance in Turkey, Romania, Czech Republic, Spain, France, England, Morocco, Tunisia, Germany, Slovenia, Italy, Egypt and Greece. She has attended Rromany Festivals in France, Turkey and Romania. She has collected wonderful video footage of  Roma people in which they are dancing, celebrating and experiencing everyday life. Artemis continues to collect antique pictures of women and dancers from North Africa and the Middle East and of the Roma throughout the world. Her collection is one of the largest  in the United States and some illustrations have been used by the International Encyclopedia of Dance, the Smithsonian Institution, the largest Romany Museum in the world (in the Czech Republic), the Romany archives at the University of Texas collected by Ian Hancock, all the major Middle Eastern Dance publications and in several books.   

Artemis is listed in the International Dance Council (CID) Who's Who of Dance. Her photograph can be found in the International Encyclopedia of Dance under the listing for "danse du ventre" (translates to "belly dance") which is produced by the Oxford University Press. She has won the "Ethnic Dancer of the Year Award" presented by the International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance (IAMED) and has won the "Most Popular Ethnic Dancer Award" from Zaghareet Magazine twice. Artemis has also won their "Lifetime Achievement Award."

Artemis teaches regular classes, private lessons, workshops on the dance form commonly referred to as "Belly Dance" which, after 40 years of experience, she can cover from A to Z. She is best known for her specialized workshops on the Turkish Oriental and Turkish Romany dance genres. Artemis is constantly creating new workshops and she is presenting a series of workshops of all new Turkish material.


CLICK HERE to read Artemis' wonderful articles on the origins of Turkish dance and how it has affected belly dance in America, skirt dancing and other topics close to her heart.


